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Version: 11.1.0
Status: Released
Release: Eggishorn Release
Release date: December 4th, 2021
Release Notes:

Previous Versions:

Breaking changes








File replacement check

  • When updating the file of a Content, it is (under certain circumstances) possible that ContentSchemaId is changed.

  • If the Content has a Layer assigned which is not applicable to the new ContentSchemaId, that layer was silently removed.

  • Layer unassignment is now opt-in.

  • Use AcceptableLayerUnassignments to set which layer unassignments are allowed for a file replacement.

  • See new endpoints (under Features) to check required flags up-front.

  • Set AllowContentTypeChange == false and AllowAnyLayerUnassignment == true for previous behavior.

See ContentTests.cs


UserRightUserRole endpoints

Added user right EditImages

  • New UserRight EditImages defines who can use EditOutput and DownloadContent endpoints with conversion presets.

See PictureparkSwagger.json



User language code check

  • When a User is created or updated, their language code is now checked. Property became mandatory, and the language code must correspond to a language that exists on the customer on which the user is being created / updated.

See PictureparkSwagger.json

Document history


Document history search improvements

  • Previously it could happen that some of the resulting items will be duplicated, this will not happen anymore.

  • The search is limited to 1000 items per search request now (property Limit).

  • The TotalResults property was removed from the search result in favor of MaxResults, which contains an upper bound of the amount of results.


FormatBase / FormatWithFixedExtensionBase

Moved Extension property to new subclass of FormatBase

  • Neither OriginalFormat nor new CopyFormat have a fixed extension (depends on uploaded File and OutputFormats).

  • Other formats changed to derive from FormatWithFixedExtensionBase, so no structural changes.

See Contracts.Generated.cs


Might be removed in the next version of CP.












ConversionPresets for embeds

  • ShareEmbedCreateRequest now supports setting ConversionPresets on EmbedContents (see Contents property).

  • A conversion preset might be locked (cannot be changed via the URL) or unlocked. In the latter case, both a short and a long URL (containing the conversion preset) are delivered when fetching the Share.

  • Note: Only image outputs are supported to be edited. See below for supported conversion parameters.

See ShareTests.cs



Image editing

  • New endpoint to edit an image output.

  • Supported conversion parameters:

    • crop:200x300[,fp:0.5,0.4]: Crop image to 200x300 pixels. Optionally specify a focal point (floating point values are relative to image dimensions, absolute location is also supported).

    • crop:200x300,gravity:ne: Crop image to 200x300 pixels from top right corner (gravity one out of nw,n,ne,e,se,s,sw,e).

    • scale-to:1920x1080: Scale output to 1920x1080 (smaller images are upscaled, proportions are kept).

    • fit-in:1920x1080: Scale output to 1920x1080 (smaller images are not upscaled, proportions are kept).

    • resize-to:1920x1080: Scale output to 1920x1080 (smaller images are upscaled, proportions are not kept).

    • rotate:90[,dir:ccw]: Rotate image by 90 degrees. dir:ccw designated counterclockwise direction.

    • alpha:discard: Discard alpha channel.

    • alpha:replace(#FFFFFF): Replace alpha channel with white color.

    • alpha:replace-inv(#FFFFFF): Invert alpha channel, then replace alpha channel with white color.

    • sharpen:0.5[,r:0.2,t:0.3]: Sharpen image with unsharpen mask. First value designates amount, r designates radius, t designates threshold.

    • quality:90: Applicable if final output is JPEG. Set quality of JPEG.

    • compression:none|lzw|rle|zip: Applicable if final output is TIFF. Set compression algorithm.

  • Select output format (supported: JPEG|TIFF|PNG) by appending filename with extension to the conversion (i.e. image.png converts to PNG format).

  • Examples:

    • crop:300x300/quality:90/image.jpg: Crop to 300x300, centered in image. Deliver JPEG with quality 90 and filename image.jpg.

    • crop:300x300,gravity:nw/rotate:90ccw/alpha:discard/image.png: Crop to 300x300, from top left corner. Rotate by 90° counterclockwise, discard alpha channel, deliver PNG with filename image.png.

See ContentTests.cs



File replacement check

  • New endpoint to check if a change of ContentSchemaId is possible without the need to remove layers.

  • This is possible when a file of an existing Content is replaced.

See ContentTests.cs



File replacement check

  • Convenience endpoint to check ContentSchemaId change for a specific file replacement.

  • Should be called after upload and before actual file replacement call.

See ContentTests.cs


/v1/contents/many/repair/batch and /v1/contents/many/repair/filter

Repair DataExtraction of Content

  • Endpoints to trigger retry of DataExtraction (normally carried out before import of Transfer).

  • Returned BusinessProcess will complete when Contents have been extracted and results applied.

  • Wait for completion of continuation BusinessProcess if you intend to search based on extracted fields.

  • Can cause change of ContentSchemaId, thus flags similar to ContentFileUpdateRequest are available and potentially needed for the repair to have an effect.

See PictureparkSwagger.json



Content permissions resolution

  • ResolveBehaviors property added.

  • If the ContentSearchResolveBehavior.Permissions enum is sent in the list of ResolveBehaviors, each Content returns the ContentRights property filled with the rights the current user performing the search has on the Content.

  • If the ResolveBehaviors are sent as an empty list or not sent at all, the behavior of the endpoint remain unchanged and the ContentRights property will not be returned.


  • /v1/schemas/{id}/referenced (GetReferenced)

  • /v1/Schemas/many/referenced (GetManyReferenced)

Returned source schema in GetReferenced

  • The single and many endpoints for to get the referenced schemas, supports now the query parameter sourceSchema.

  • If sourceSchema is set to true, the schema for which the referenced schemas are requested will also be returned.

  • If sourceSchema is set to false or is not sent, the behavior of the endpoint remains unchanged, and the source schema is not returned.



New rendering format for creating copy of source Output

  • Allows creating exact same Output including extension from existing Format.

  • Preparation for upcoming XmpWriteback feature.

  • CopyFormat cannot be used when any parent format has XmpWriteback enabled.

See OutputFormatTests.cs

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