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Version: 11.6.0
Status: Released
Release: Blüemlisalphorn Release
Release date: Mar 4th, 2023
Release Notes: Picturepark Blüemlisalphorn Release | Mar 2023

Previous Versions:

With the release of Picturepark 11.6, each customer will have their own unique DNS name for API access. To ensure your integration continues to work seamlessly after the migration to Azure, please update your API host to the customer's specific API host shown in the customer info tab in Picturepark or the per-cloud API host (available from

  • With this release - Picturepark 11.6 - we're introducing the possibility to connect directly to a customer's API/integration host

  • Each customer will have its own DNS name for API access

  • If your integration targets a specific customer, please use the API host shown in the customer info tab in Picturepark.

  • If your integration targets multiple customers on the same cloud instance, please use the per-cloud API host. Request this key from

  • If your integration targets multiple customers in different cloud instances, either

    • run a single instance, mapping specific customers to per-cloud api hosts

    • run an instance per picturepark cloud-instance and target the per-cloud api host

  • While the current API host will continue to work when we release 11.6, we suggest that you apply this change soon after, as we will begin moving customers between cloud instances afterwards

We will start moving customers to Azure, migration slots are not defined yet. Using the correct API host will ensure that your integration will continue to work with no changes needed on your side.

Breaking changes






Integrations / API

CustomerInfo GET /v1/customer/info

Customer-specific API & IntegrationHost

  • Old ApiUrl will no longer work as customer instances can be moved to other backing cloud infrastructure

  • Customer-specific dns records will be returned

  • ApiUrl contains the api base to be used for api calls by integrations

  • New property IntegrationHost should be used by ServiceProviders

See Contracts.Generated.cs

OutputFormat Behaviors


Added Behaviors for OutputFormats

  • New Behaviors property on OutputFormat allows controlling behavior of Outputs in various parts of CP.

  • VideoKeyFrames format will not be shared anymore

See PictureparkSwagger.json


Might be removed in the next version of CP.










Azure tagging

AzureTaggingConfiguration AzureTaggingOptions

Tagging: Azure general tagging

  • Implemented new tagger using Azure Cognitive Services - an alternative tagging mechanism to the existing Clarifai tagging provider.

  • Automatic image tagging resulting in list of kewords describing image content with a possibility to filter results using confidence threshold.

  • Automatic image analysins resulting in list of detected objects (focal posints) including coordinates and confidence level

See Contracts.Generated.cs

OCR and Statistics

AzureTaggingConfiguration AzureTaggingOptions TaggerStatisticsEvent

Tagging: Azure text recognition

  • Implemented text recognition in images using Azure Cognitive Services, returning detected text in a digital representation.

  • New field: 'Recognized Text` added to predefined Image Analytics Layer to store OCR result.

  • Implemented mechanism of collecting Tagging and OCR usage statistics per customer, including information about the tagging provider (Azure or Clarifai)

See Contracts.Generated.cs

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