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Version: 11.5.0
Status: Released
Release: Moléson Release
Release date: Dec 3rd, 2022
Release Notes:

Previous Versions:

Breaking changes






Schema and Channels


New TermsRelationAggregatorDocumentType enum value added

  • New SchemaPermissionSet value added to TermsRelationAggregatorDocumentType enum. The enum is used in the TermsRelationAggregator, and therefore possibily in Schema and Channel endpoints

See PictureparkSwagger.json


FieldString, FieldTranslatedString

New Analyzer enum value added

  • New KeywordLowercase value added to Analyzer enum. The enum can be used in the IndexAnalyzers of the field FieldString of Schema endpoints

See PictureparkSwagger.json

Channel, IdentityProvider, Notifications, Shares

GET /channels/{id} - GET /identityProviders/{id} - GET /notifications/{id} - GET /shares/json/{token} - GET /shares/json/{token}/contents - GET /shares/{id}/contents

404 returned if no value is found

  • The mentioned endpoint previously were returning a 200 status code with a null object if no entity was found.

  • They now properly return a 404 status code with a {Entity}NotFoundException as response.

See ChannelTests.cs


Might be removed in the next version of CP.










Schema search

SchemaSearchRequest POST /v1/schema/search

Aggregation functionality added to Schema search endpoint

  • Aggregators and AggregationFilters properties added to Schema search endpoint

  • It is now possible to get aggregations from the search endpoint

  • Behavior is common to the other search endpoints with aggregation functionality

See PictureparkSwagger.json

Schema management


KeywordLowercaseAnalyzer available to be used as Index Analyzer

  • KeywordLowercaseAnalyzer has been added and can be configured as an IndexAnalyzer on a FieldString in a Schema

  • It cannot be used as a SearchAnalyzer

  • It cannot be used on a FieldTranslatedField field

  • Endpoints to add/update a schema support the new analyzer together with the existing ones

  • If the analyzer is set, it leverages the Elastic Search lowercase normalizer that can be applied to a keyword field

  • It creates a subfield with suffix "keywordlowercase" that contains the lowercase version of the stored value and that can be used to run aggregations or filters (example of such field path: schemaId.fieldId.keywordlowercase)

  • The lowercasing is applied to the not analyzed value (stored as a keyword): therefore only an exact match or a starts with match is possible. The resulting stored value is still a keyword: it is therefore possible to use it to build an aggregation or to run a filter against that field:

    • The aggregation will return the values all lowercased

    • The filter's value (TermFilter, TermsFilter, PrefixFilter) will be automatically lowercased before being executed against the keywordlowercase analyzed field

See PictureparkSwagger.json and AnalyzerTests.cs



New property LastActivity was added

  • New property LastActivity added to UserDetail and UserWithRoles contracts. Contains an approximate time when the user was last active in CP (using Frontend and/or API).

See PictureparkSwagger.json

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