Feature | Endpoint/Contract | Title | Description | Reference |
Schema | FieldSingleRelation , FieldMultiRelation
| UiSettings added to single/multi relationship field
| FieldSingleRelation and FieldMultiRelation have new property UiSettings .
Settings are only consumed by the UI and used to set the default view for a relationship field (List, ThumbSmall, ThumbMedium) and the maximum number of rows to be displayed in the list and thumb view.
| See PictureparkSwagger.json |
Business rules | EnqueueTransferOwnershipAction
| New EnqueueTransferOwnershipAction for business rules | The new action allows to enqueue the transfer of the ownership of a content. It is only available for content. The TransferUserId is manadatory and identified the user to whom the ownership will be transferred. The action is asynchronous: after that the content is saved and persisted, the request to transfer the ownership will be enqueued.
| See PictureparkSwagger.json |
Templates | TemplateType
| New DashboardPage TemplateType for templates | Templates for the new TemplateType can be created, updated and deleted. Template can be defined for all metadata languages.
| See PictureparkSwagger.json |
Templates | POST /v1/templates/search
| Search templates endpoint added | New endpoint to search the templates. TemplateType and LanguageCode can be optionally specified to restrict the returned templates.
If a LanguageCode is specified and no template is available for the requested LanguageCode , template for the default customer language is returned.
| See PictureparkSwagger.json |
Info | CustomerInfo
| HasDashboard property added
| | See PictureparkSwagger.json |
Conversion preset templates | CRUD and Search endpoints | CRUD and Search endpoints for ConversionPresetTemplate entities added | Create, CreateMany, Update, UpdateMany, Delete, DeleteMany, Get, GetMany and Search endpoints added for ConversionPresetTemplate entities. User needs UserRight.ManagerConversionPresetTemplates to create, edit or delete conversion preset templates. Create and Update endpoints wait for the entity creation/update and directly return it. OutputFormatId is required to create a ConversionPresetTemplate . Once the ConversionPresetTemplate is created, the OutputFormatId cannot be modified anymore.
In the Template property conversion parameters tokens can be used: All the ones supported by /v1/contents/downloads/{contentId}/{outputFormatId}/{conversionPreset} . See change log for version 11.1.0. The AspectRatio one: '#aspectRatio:3x2'. This is not strictly a conversion parameter, and as the "#" indicates, cannot be sent to the backend. The UI will leverage it to create a crop box with that aspect ratio.
Delete endpoint waits for the entity deletion and then returns. CreateMany, UpdateMany and DeleteMany endpoints return a business process before that the operation finishes. It needs to be awaited if further processing on those entities wants to be carried out. Search endpoint supports standard search parameters. Client applications require conversionpresettemplate_read and/or conversionpresettemplate_write API scopes.
| See ConversionPresetTemplateTests.cs |